duck and cover, 2003
duck and cover (psycho-geographic gestures) - installation and performances in public space
This work of art deals with rituals invented to help us cope with technological everyday life, e.g. safety instructions in case of an emergency given by stewardesses before the start of passenger planes. The emergency that is not supposed to happen can be controlled by gestures.
Performances are to take place at various urban places in countries all over the world. .
"Duck and cover" is a work in progress that is to retain its process-like character in the course of realization. It is the beginning of a comprehensive cycle of works that is to comprise not only performances but also an internet platform, a room installation, drawings as well as video and sound sketches. Gestures that serve as instructions on how to react in case of an alleged emergency are performed at real places and live-broadcasted to the internet platform which is connected to live-webcams all over the world.