video- and sound installation
video/editing: Claudia Brieske (Berlin)
voice: Magdalen Wong (Hongkong)
location: Island of Dreams, Eretria (GR), 19.07.2008, 6am
Started in July 2008 during the Openartresidency - artist-in-residency in Eretria, Greece
The 2-channel video and sound installation shows on the one hand a boat passing by, which in the blurriness of the image seems more like a moving pictorial displacement of surfaces. The distracted sound of the ship's horn seems to pull the surfaces into the horizontal. On the other hand, one sees and hears a Chinese woman practising a romantic Greek song in German ("EIN SCHIFF WIRD KOMMEN - Das Mädchen Von Piräus" by Manos Hadjidakis).The often futile efforts at rhythm and pronunciation in the singing demonstrate the emotional and lead to a stubborn analysis around the content and form of the sense of longing that characterises this popular song.