Stampfsymphonie | solo | trio - n° 1 - 4, 2017 - 20


raw material from video (camera: Ael Aimé Ezekiel Klein)

Stampf-Symphonie - as solo (n°1 and 2), as trio (n°3 and 4) as well as additional planned multi-channel versions - is a nomadic video and sound installation that will be shown as a work-in-progress at various specific locations. It connects visually and acoustically with the respective architectural environment. The dynamic staccato recordings filmed from the below, projected directly onto ceilings, walls and floors, associate a rhythmic "walk-through the wall". The pulse sounds of the stomping are linked to characteristic sounds of the respective room environment. Sound and image are composed into a condensed, polyphonic and visual "Stomp- Symphony", so that the spectrum of positive to negative emotions - from soft to rough and aggressive, loud and quiet - is set in a dramatic arc.

Solo n°1 is a video and sound installation on the gallery under the tower of the Schlosskirche in Saarbrücken. The images captured from below and projected onto the screen hanging above associate a "step through the ceiling" directly above the head of a stone Madonna figure. The pulse sounds of the stomping combine with a reclining tone of the neo-baroque organ ("Vox Humana", register 24, III Brustwerk C - g3).  The installation was realized in cooperation with the HfM (Hochschule für Musik Saar) and the organist Prof. Dr. Jörg Abbing.

Trio n°3 is a 3-channel projection at the Atelierhaus of Schloß Wiepersdorf - realized in 2017 during a scholarship stay.

Trio n°4 is a 3-channel-projection on three screens hanging from the ceiling of the Museum St. Wendel. This time the pulse sounds of stomping are combined with atmospheric sounds from the local Globus supermarket and another 4-channel video work on 4 differently sized monitors. It shows an approx. 4min choreography of different hand gestures, which was created in 2019 for the audio-visual production Das Raunen der Dinge (Franziska Baumann & Claudia Brieske for the music festival Bern). This fragment complements and extends the work cycle Stampfsymphonie by the special musical aspects of Claudia Brieske's artistic work.

>> Saarländischer Rundfunk | Kulturspiegel | September 2020

Claudia Brieske - concept/direction/actor - video and sound editing
Ael Aimé Ezekiel Klein - coordination, camera, concept of light, grading/postproduction
Francy Fabritz - camera assistance, setup for light, audio recording
Mascha Nehls - construction of frame/set-up for filming
Yael Inokai - script, image and sound protocol
Markus Lang - sound editing
Deutsches Theater Berlin, Costume Design Department - military boots on display

trio n°4 | interview - Museum St. Wendel

Trio n°4 | video documentation - Museum St. Wendel

trio n°3 | video documentation - Künstlerhaus Schloß Wiepersdorf