Virtual Borders | videos + drawings 2012


video projection of the cycle Liquid Souls

video projection of the cycle Liquid Souls on the wall of Burgfeste Dilsberg in May 2012 during the international media art project
Virtual Borders + + + travelling lightly + + + mit leichtem Gepäck

I. Liquid Souls II - video projection,  1:13 min
camera, editing: Claudia Brieske
sound: Franziska Baumann
actress: Jeannine Hirzel

A rising water level is flooding the profile view of a face. The mouth opens and closes in an imaginary effort to communicate.

II. Wassergrenzenzeichnungen - graphit/ink - graphit/chalk

III. dog show #052012 - video projection, 1:20 min
camera, editing, sound: Claudia Brieske

IV. luftholen – single channel video, 8:20 min
editing, drawings, sound: Claudia Brieske
camera sequenzes with mobil phones: Claudia Brieske, Andrea Weber

The video shows horizontal and vertical sequences of movement of a ship in a water lock. The sound is synchronised to the images, condenses and covers the situation of "holding on" and (finally) "letting go". The floodgates, the falling and rising water level, as well as the movements of the ship's hull are transformed into an organic process: inhale - hold your breath - exhale...